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Sorry for the delay! Riot takes aim at 12 of the top 13 most contested champions in LCK/LPL. Jinx gets buffs because of Arcane Season 2. Will someone play Janna? Shen jungle has to be showing up, with lillia getting hit here Ivern priority has to go up! Tune in for our LCS finals documentary tomorrow! FlyQuest Shop: FlyQuest Socials → Twitter: → Instagram: → Facebook: → Twitch: → Discord: → Tiktok: 0:00 Intro 0:39 Rank Splits 1:03 Ready Check Penalties 1:57 Account Transfers 1:59 Clash 2:11 Ahri 2:47 Aurora 3:17 Azir 3:39 Corki 4:30 Gnar 4:57 Ivern 5:45 Jarvan 6:15 Jax 6:52 Jayce 7:10 Jinx 7:54 Leona 7:55 Lilia 8:24 Lissandra 9:03 Lulu 9:20 Malphite 10:05 Maokai 10:16 Miss Fortune 10:21 Nasus 10:41 Rell 10:52 Rumble 11:55 Samira 12:04 Shen 12:46 Smolder 13:57 Varus 14:27 Vi 14:32 Viego 14:43 Xin Zhao 15:13 Zeri 15:28 Ziggs 15:43 Bloodthirster 16:03 Immortal Shieldbow 16:16 Ludens Companion 16:24 Shadowflame 16:47 Stormsurge 17:42 Fleet Footwork 18:09 Tower Changes 18:16 Final Thoughts 19:24 Skins 20:47 Outro FlyQuest Games: League of Legends, LCS, NACL, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Street Fighter 6, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Guilty Gear Strive, Dragonball FighterZ, FGC, Counter-Strike, VALORANT, 2XKO Join us on our journey to create an ecosystem at the intersection of gaming, nature & humanity, where talent & self-expression flourish. 🍃 -- #leagueoflegends #worlds2024 #patchnotes