Do fitness apps leak your data? | NordVPN

4 years ago

In this video, Masha from Coding Blonde YouTube channel talks about the security and privacy risks posed by health and fitness apps. If you do, protect your sensitive online data with NordVPN: get it now at Let’s dive deeper into your smartphone security. Do you use health and fitness tracking apps? Called healthy lifestyle, fitness, or wellness – these apps can track almost everything: steps, heart rate, fitness level, stress level, sleep and period cycles, medication, and even more complex parameters. Pair your health apps with the #NordVPN app to protect your online privacy: The essence of fitness and health apps is the data they collect. The thing is, there's a lot of it, and it's highly sensitive – it’s the most personal data about your body. This combo calls for more focus on security and privacy. There are a few things to pay attention to: Apps are not as transparent about their online connections as websites. It’s difficult to tell if they encrypt the data when transmitting it. Their privacy policies are often vague, and not all data sharing cases are described explicitly. So always do your research before downloading new apps that track your health and fitness. Read reviews, check app ratings, see what people talk about it in forums. This will help you to get a sense if the app is trustworthy.

