Take a spin around the Studio Shrapnel glass room aka "the Fishbowl" during a session of game playtesting. Shrapnel's Playtest BTS takes our community behind the scenes of the iterative process of game development, showing work in progress. Welcome to Shrapnel: The FPS Game You Create to Own. A competitive first-person shooter game with player-creation tools. Extract to win and own your rewards. More: https://www.shrapnel.com/ 🎬SHRAPNEL Game Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNTVpHT-Xgk&t=5s 📢SHRAPNEL UPDATES: https://twitter.com/playSHRAPNEL 🐤 Video Details: - Director: Amara Dumlao - Videographer/Editor: Brandon Harano Learn More About Shrapnel: - Whitepaper: https://www.shrapnel.com/Shrapnel-White-Paper.pdf - Medium: https://medium.com/@playSHRAPNEL - Join the Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/shrapnel (☠, ☠) 🌊 Discover the Shrapnel Operators Collection on OpenSea: https://opensea.io/collection/shrapnel-operators-collection 🔴SUBSCRIBE ▸ https://www.youtube.com/playSHRAPNEL ⚒ JOIN OUR SQUAD: https://www.shrapnel.com/careers #Play2Own #PlayShrapnel #Create2Own #FPS #Gaming © Copyright: Neon Machine // Shrapnel